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Risk Intelligence Dashboard

Risk Intelligence Dashboard defines a method to monitor key performance indicators.

Access Risk Intelligence Dashboard

To access dashboard screens:

  1. The user navigates Modules >Risk Intelligence>Maintain Dashboards
  2. Click Create New
  3. Enter the dashboard Name
  4. Type a concise Description
  5. Select a Layout ID
  6. The user can check the box to make the dashboard Public and also to make the created dashboard the Default (which will open when selecting Dashboards Home)
  7. Click Save

Add Charts

Currently, there are only two layouts to select from. Layout #1 will add unlimited charts vertically. Layout #2 will add a large chart, with a 2 medium(s) and a 2 small charts for a limit of 5 charts.

Below is the instructions on how to use these layouts.

Risk Intelligence Layout Example

  1. Click on Add a Chart button
  2. Using the drop down Select a Chart Type - here is where the user will find the available chart types
  3. Click Continue

The Add a Chart window will open and the user will see three tabs for Resolution Tracker, Investigator and Risk Assessor. These are add a series to this control (chart).

On the Resolution Tracker Tab:

  1. Click on Result Types field
  2. The user can select more than one result type in Resolution Tracker
  3. Click the Search Button
  4. The search results will be loaded into the grid below the advanced search.
  5. Select a column header to drop into the group by field. This field will only group one item at a time and will not do multiple items.
  6. Click the Add Series button. A Window will open to add Series Name
  7. If the user would like to further narrow the criteria of the search, the advanced search will help by adding criteria to the search such as Initiator, Source, Category, etc.
  8. Type in the Series Name
  9. Click the Add a series tab

The Name of the series will be in the Data series attached to this control grid.

If the User would like a Series such as TRK-REC, TRK-MOC, TRK-EMOC. These must be separate series and filter the Type to each REC, MOC, EMOC and saving as the series Name. This will populate the legend correctly.

To delete the Series Click on the Delete button there is no confirmation and the series will be deleted immediately.

Based on the type of chart the user can configure items on the chart. Shown are the configurable items for a Pie chart type. Included are:

  • Chart Title - the Chart Title is the title of the dashboard
  • Display Chart Legend - this will turn on and off the chart legend. To access this, check the box and the legend will be displayed.
  • Display Tooltip on Series - this will turn on and off the feature to give the total number of items within that chart type. To access this, check the box . Click the checkbox to display information when the mouse hovers over a portion of the chart.
  • Title Position - this is a drop to select where the title will be displayed either the Top or the Bottom.
  • Series Label Position - this will determine where within the chart the series information will show. The choices are Center, Inside End and Outside End

Template for Series Label, Template for Series Tooltips and Formatting on Series Tooltips- this can be used to display a Series Category and number. However, this uses a specific format.

Here are some examples of this for a bar, column, and pie chart:

  • #= value #, is the point value. Can be a number or an object containing a bound field.
  • #= category #, is the Category Name. This is available for area, bar, column, line, pie, and many more
  • #= #, is the data series name
  • #= percent (`{0:P}', percentage)#, is the point value represented as a percentage value. Available for pie and 100% stacked charts
  • #= stackValue #, is the cumulative point value on the stack. Available for stackable series


  • #= category #: #= value # - the display will be MOC: 52, EMOC:35, etc.
  • #= #: #= value # this will display REC:3
  • #= category #-#= kendo.format('{0:P}',percentage)# This will display Draft-18.60%

Total: #= value # - the will display Total: 162

  • Background Color - to add a background color click on the field and use the color picker
  • Align Label - this will align labels to Circle or Column
  • Series Display Label - check the box if the Series Label is to be visible.
  • Initial Series Angle - this is for pie charts only

Configure the Chart

Click on the Configure Chart tab. When the user is finished configuring the chart click OK.

Configurable items for a Bar or Column chart are:

  • Category Axis CrossingValue - this is where the x and y axis line cross
  • Category Axis Line Visible - this will turn on and off the chart axis line. To access this, click the checkbox to display the axis line.
  • Category Axis Major Grid Lines Visible - this will turn on and off the chart major grid line. To access this, click the checkbox display the major grid line.
  • Category Axis Major Ticks - this will turn on and off the chart major ticks. To access this, click the checkbox to display the major ticks.
  • Category Axis Minor Ticks - this will turn on and off the chart minor ticks. To access this, click the checkbox to display the minor ticks.
  • Category Axis Visible - this will turn on and off the category axis. To access this, click the checkbox to display the category axis.
  • Error Bars - Error bars are graphical representations of the variability of data and used on graphs to indicate the error or uncertainty in a reported measurement. This will turn on and off Error Bars. To access this, click the checkbox to display the error bars.
  • Is Column - this will change the bar chart (horizontal) to a column chart (vertical)
  • Line Style - are Normal, Stepped and Smooth
  • Plot Bands - Plot Bands are colored ranges which are used to highlight certain areas in the Kendo UI chart, usually specific thresholds designating whether the data falls under these boundaries or not.

Each Plot Band could be configured independently by specifying the following properties:

  • From — the start position of the plot band.
  • To — the end position of the plot band
  • Opacity — the opacity of the plot band.
  • Color — the color of the plot band.
  • Stack Chart - this field is a drop down that can select a Stack Chart which is subparts a cumulative total. or a Stack Chart 100 which is similar to the stack chart but uses a percentage base to add the totals to 100%.
  • Value Axis Crossing Value - this is where the x and y axis line cross
  • Value Axis Line Visible - this will turn on and off the chart axis line. To access this, click the checkbox to display the axis line.
  • Value Axis Major Grid Lines Visible - this will turn on and off the chart major ticks. To access this, click the checkbox display the major grid lines.
  • Value Axis Major Ticks - this will turn on and off the chart minor ticks. To access this, click the checkbox to display the major ticks.

On Bar and Line Charts if the user has grouped by location and there is no data, the chart will not show for that location. However, if the user has two or more series and for this chart type and one has data and one does not, the series will show a bar that has data and no bar that does not have data. See the example below:

By turning off part the legend (click on the series) the chart will re-draw and re calculate.

Create a Combo Chart (Bar/Line)

To create a combo Chart (Bar/Line) do the following:

  1. Go to Risk Intelligence>Maintain Dashboards and create a new dashboard or the user can add to an existing dashboard. by clicking on the edit icon (pencil).
  2. The dashboard will open in edit mode.
  3. Click Add a Chart Using the drop down, select a chart type of Combo and click the Continue button
  4. Select which module to create your chart - this example will use Auditor
  5. Using the Advanced Search, Use the drop down for Location, check the Include Child Locations and Include Closed Record box
  6. Click Search. Results will be returned in the grid.
  7. Drag Month/Year column header to the group by above the grid of results. This will group each of the In Progress by Month Year.
  8. Use the filter on the Status column to filter for Contains - "In Progress". The records will be filtered to any record that contains the word In Progress.
  9. Click Add Series button
  10. Type in the Series Name In Progress
  11. Click the Add a series tab in the upper right
  12. Click the Status filter and click the button Clear. Now repeat steps 4 -8 using the filter contains - Ready For Audit. Save using the series name Awaiting Initial Review.
  13. Click the Status filter and click the button Clear. Now repeat steps 4 -8 using the filter contains - Ready For Audit. Save using the series name Ready for Audit.
  14. Click the Status filter and click the button Clear. Now repeat steps 4 -8 using the filter contains - Ready For Audit. Save using the series name In Progress.
  15. Click the Status filter and click the button Clear. Now repeat steps 4 -8 using the filter contains - Ready For Audit. Save using the series name Awaiting Final Review.
  16. Click the Status filter and click the button Clear. Now repeat steps 4 -8 using the filter contains - Ready For Audit. Save using the series Completed.
  17. Check the box Past Due and click Search
  18. Click Add Series button
  19. Type the name Past Due
  20. Using the drop down for Series Type select line.
  21. Each of the series will be saved in the tab View all series
  22. Click the Configure Chart Tab
  23. Set configurable items as follows using the Edit Item Button: To set items as True check the box.
  • Category Axis Line Visible check the box
  • Category Axis Major Grid Lines Visible check the box
  • Set the Category Rotation Label to 45
  • Is Column check the box
  • Is Legend Visible check the box
  • Set the Line Style as Normal - this is the default
  • Set the Series Label Position from the drop down as Outside End
  • Series Labels Visible check the box
  • Series Point Label Position set from the drop down as Right (this is the line points)
  • Stack Chart use the drop down to select Stack Chart
  • Enter the Title of the chart
  • Value Axis Line Visible check the box
  • Value Axis Major Grid Lines Visible check the box
  • Value Axis Visible check the box
  1. Click OK

Building a Chart with a View

Add a new chart to the current dashboard. Make it a bar chart.

  1. Click the tab Add a series from a view. A view is created by Technical Engineers for KMS.
  2. Use the drop down Database View to select the following view, Tracker_Record_Past_Due_View
  3. All the fields from the Proposal Details Tab in Resolution Tracker is included in the view along with Days Past Due.
  4. Similar to Advanced Search the fields can only be grouped by one column name. Check the box to Group by Source
  5. For the Days Past Due use the Filter Type Between, in the Filter Value the first value will be 1 and the second value will be 30.
  6. Click the Run Database View button under the Preview Results panel.
  7. Click the Add Series button and name the Series 1 - 30 days
  8. Click Add a series from a view tab
  9. For the Days Past Due use the Filter Type Between, in the Filter Value the first value will be 31 and the second value will be 60.
  10. Click the Refresh Results button under the Preview Results panel.
  11. Click the Add Series button and name the Series 31-60 days
  12. Click Add a series from a view tab
  13. For the Days Past Due use the Filter Type Between, in the Filter Value the first value will be 61 and the second value will be 90.
  14. Click the Add Series button and name the Series 61-90 days
  15. For the Days Past Due use the Filter Type Between, in the Filter Value the first value will be 91 and the second value will be 120.
  16. Click the Refresh Results button under the Preview Results panel.
  17. Click the Add Series button and name the Series 91-120 days
  18. Click the Add a series from a view tab
  19. For the Days Past Due use the Filter Type Greater Than, in the Filter Value the value will be 121.
  20. Click the Add Series button and name the Series >121 days
  21. Click the Configure Chart Tab

Configurable items for a Bar or Column chart are:

  • Category Axis CrossingValue - this is where the x and y axis line cross
  • Category Axis Line Visible - this will turn on and off the chart axis line. To access this, click the checkbox to display the axis line.
  • Category Axis Major Grid Lines Visible - this will turn on and off the chart major grid line. To access this, click the checkbox display the major grid line.
  • Category Axis Major Ticks - this will turn on and off the chart major ticks. To access this, click the checkbox to display the major ticks.
  • Category Axis Minor Ticks - this will turn on and off the chart minor ticks. To access this, click the checkbox to display the minor ticks.
  • Category Axis Visible - this will turn on and off the category axis. To access this, click the checkbox to display the category axis.
  • Error Bars - Error bars are graphical representations of the variability of data and used on graphs to indicate the error or uncertainty in a reported measurement. This will turn on and off Error Bars. To access this, click the checkbox to display the error bars.
  • Is Column - this will change the bar chart (horizontal) to a column chart (vertical)
  • Line Style - are Normal, Stepped and Smooth
  • Plot Bands -Plot Bands are colored ranges which are used to highlight certain areas in the Kendo UI chart, usually specific thresholds designating whether the data falls under these boundaries or not.

Each Plot Band could be configured independently by specifying the following properties:

  • From — the start position of the plot band.
  • To — the end position of the plot band
  • Opacity — the opacity of the plot band.
  • Color — the color of the plot band.
  • Stack Chart - this field is a drop down that can select a Stack Chart which is subparts a cumulative total. or a Stack Chart 100 which is similar to the stack chart but uses a percentage base to add the totals to 100%.
  • Value Axis Crossing Value - this is where the x and y axis line cross
  • Value Axis Line Visible - this will turn on and off the chart axis line. To access this, click the checkbox to display the axis line.
  • Value Axis Major Grid Lines Visible - this will turn on and off the chart major ticks. To access this, click the checkbox display the major grid lines.
  • Value Axis Major Ticks - this will turn on and off the chart minor ticks. To access this, click the checkbox to display the major ticks.

Using Global Filters

Global filters are a useful way of taking a chart with a large amount of data and filtering it down to a manageable size in reporting to management.

Global filters are currently available in Risk Intelligence charts that are by single module.

Go to Modules>Risk Intelligence>Maintain Dashboards

Select the dashboard to view or this could be set as a default dashboard for the user. To learn more about how to set a default dashboard see Account Details under Getting Started.

The user will select Global Filters under the Risk Intelligence and a Global Filters window will be displayed.

Select the criteria to narrow the chart displayed by using the advanced search filters. Once the user has selected the criteria, click Submit The query will run and the charts will re-draw.

If a section of the chart is clicked on to drill down, the results will revert to the original chart.