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2 posts tagged with "announcement"

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VisiumKMS Updated Versioning

· 2 min read
Andrey Safonov
Technical Product Manager
Ben Rawls
Head of Customer Success & Product Strategy


In the earlier blog, we highlighted the benefits of upgrading to the latest version. In this post, we will walk through the significance of different versions, our release frequency, and the versions we will support.

How Often Do You Release?

We aim for four major releases per year, equating to one release every quarter. Each major release includes a blend of new features, bug fixes, security patches, and infrastructure upgrades. For instance, the current major release version number is 12.24.

Small releases in between, such as version number 12.24.2, primarily focus on enhancing the major version with minor adjustments like bug fixes or security patches.

As soon as we plan new features or infrastructure changes, we transition to a new version; for example, version 12.25.

Which Versions Will You Support?

We understand that obtaining buy-in and resources to implement the new version at your site can be challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, we plan to stick with four major releases per year and support two versions. To facilitate this, we will introduce new labels to help navigate all the releases:


LTS stands for Long Term Support. This version has undergone a few iterations since the major release, and most customers have adopted it. In the example above, the LTS version will be version 12.24.2.


The current version is a new major release that introduces requested features and infrastructure updates.

The versions then update after a new major release comes out, customers confirm its functionality and adopt it into their environments.

Which Version Should I Upgrade To?

If you are eagerly awaiting any of the features or bug resolutions planned for the upcoming Current version, select the Current version to confirm functionality in your staging environment before rolling it out to production.

If VisiumKMS is functioning as expected and you are not waiting for any specific features, upgrade to the LTS version to benefit from security vulnerability patching and improved performance.


We hope this clears up any questions regarding versioning, version support, and the upgrading process. If you still have any questions to do not hesititate to reach out. To request an upgrade, please raise a support ticket. Stay tuned for upcoming 12.25 release.

New Documentation Portal

· 2 min read
Andrey Safonov
Technical Product Manager
Ben Rawls
Head of Customer Success & Product Strategy

We're excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Customer Documentation Portal, designed to serve you better. This portal replaces our previous Customer Success Site on SharePoint and is packed with features to enhance your journey with us.

What Can You Expect From Our New Portal?

Changelog for Each Release

Stay up-to-date with the latest changes and updates to our software. Our comprehensive changelog will keep you informed about every tweak, enhancement, and new feature we roll out.

Helpful Guides

Tackling new software can be challenging, but we've got your back! Our documentation guides provide step-by-step guidance, tips, and best practices to help you make the most of VisiumKMS. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer, our blog is your go-to resource for mastering our tools.

Open Communication Channel

We believe that a strong relationship with our customers is essential. That's why our portal isn't just a one-way street; it's a communication tool. You can reach out to us, ask questions, provide feedback, and engage with our team. We're here to ensure your success, and your voice matters!


Our new Customer Documentation Portal is not just a replacement for our previous SharePoint site; it's an upgrade in every sense. Bookmark it today and be prepared to embark on a smoother, more informed, and more enjoyable journey with our software.

Thank you for choosing us as your trusted partner in success. We look forward to serving you better than ever before!